
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canada Day Pinwheels

Canada Day is only a few days away, so I thought we should do some crafts to celebrate our country's birthday :) I never realized just how few Canada Day crafts there are until I went searching for some.

I found this Canada Day Pinwheel craft and thought the girls would like to make a couple of these pinwheels.

The website has templates to print off with the maple leaves on it. You can print them off in black & white or coloured. I printed two off in black & white, so that the girls could colour their own leaves.

To make these Canada Day pinwheels, you will need:
-a printed template
-a red crayon
-glue stick
-an unsharpened pencil or we used a chopstick
-a thumbtack or straight pin
-a pony bead or other small bead
-some scotch tape


Sammie got tired of colouring the leaves, especially once Maddie had all hers coloured in, so she started colouring everywhere lol

Once they are coloured, you cut the rectangle out and fold in half.
Using a glue stick, glue on the plain side and stick the two halves together.

Once you have the sides glued together, cut along the dotted lines on the template, making sure you don't cut all the way through

Take one corner from each triangle shaped piece and put your pin or thumbtack through it. Repeat for all four corners. Then put your pin through the dot in the centre of the paper.

We found the pinwheels moved better if we placed a bead on the pin behind the pinwheel. Then push your pin or thumbtack into your pencil or chopstick.
We used a straight pin and pushed it all the way through the chopstick, then bent it against the stick and taped it in place.

Then blow into them and watch them spin :) Or take them outside and let the wind spin them for you :)

If you would like to make a pinwheel without using the template that we used, Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas has great instructions on how to make your own Easy Kid's Pinwheels :)

This was a fun craft, although I think Maddie enjoyed making the pinwheels more than Sammie did, as I had to do most of the making it. But Sammie loves trying to make it spin and watching it spin in the wind :)

Please check back more this week, as I plan on sharing lots more Canada Day crafts this week :)

If you like this post, please join us at our Facebook page for lots more fun ideas :)


  1. Cute way to celebrate. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library

  2. Very fun! And I love how you made them safe when you put them together! My daughter has come home with more than one pinwheel that has a pin sticking out the back - great idea!
